국민대학교 인공지능 연구실
Looking for the brightest people to navigate advanced AI together!
Our research endeavors to push the boundaries of intelligence innovations, focusing on understanding and modeling humans and the world around us. Our research focuses on foundation models, state-of-the-art learning paradigms, and generative AI techniques to drive breakthroughs in AI applications across diverse domains.
We develop scalable, accurate, and context-aware AI applications for robotics, autonomous vehicles (cars and drones), IoT, bio/healthcare, entertainment, and security. Our approach leverages generative AI, reinforcement learning, and edge AI to enable real-time decision-making and adaptive intelligence in dynamic environments.
We create innovative technology solutions that enhance and accelerate our AI analytics engines. Our research targets intelligent memory/storage systems, heterogeneous computing, and highly parallel/distributed architectures, optimizing performance for AI-specific workloads and enabling energy-efficient AI processing.
Graduate and Intern Program Opportunities
Financial Support Comprehensive coverage of living costs and a full tuition waiver.
AI Conference Opportunities to present at major domestic and international conferences.
Professional Development Access to specialized courses, projects, and training relevant to your research.
Advanced Research Environment Work with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities.
Global Internships and Exchanges Experience at leading companies and universities, both domestically and internationally.
Associate Professor
Academic Department Affiliations
Department of Artificial Intelligence (Primary)
Department of Software
College of Computer Science
Research Center Affiliations
Center for Artificial Intelligence
email jaekoo at kookmin.ac.kr
phone +82-2-910-4646
office Future Hall #721
PhD in ECE, Seoul National University, South Korea (Adviser: Professor Sungroh Yoon)
MS in ECE, UC San Diego, USA
Data Scientist, SK Telecom AI Research Center
SW Research Engineer, LG Electronics R&D Campus
Future Hall #609 (P-Lab)
Research Areas
Vision Transformer
AI for Embedded System
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Multi-modal Learning
Graph Neural Networks
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Multi-modal Learning
Autonomous Driving
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Domain Generalization
Multimodal Learning
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Multi-modal Learning
Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning
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Large Language Model
Multi-modal Learning
badgeSungsik Kim, Janghyun Baek, Jinkyu Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems(AAMAS), May 2025.
Dongjoo Seo, Juhee Sung, Jaekoo Lee, and Nikil Dutt, International Conference on Consumer Electronins(ICCE), January 2025.
Junghyeon Seo, Dahuin Jung, and Jaekoo Lee, under review.
Hyunjong Lee, Jangho Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, under review.
Kyungsik Seo, Gaeun Choi, Jeongwon Jeon, Jaekoo Lee, and Song Noh, under review.
Jungmin Eom, Minjun Kang, Jinkyu Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, under review.
Juwan Lim, Minjun Kang, Sunyoung Kwon, and Jaekoo Lee, under review.
Yunseok Kang, Jaeseok Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Jeawoong Choi, Soye Kwon, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Soye Kwon, Jeawoong Choi, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Euihyun Yoon, Wooseong Cho, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Hyunjong Lee, Yunseok Kang, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Junghyeon Seo, Seungheon Song, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Jaeseok Lee, Soye Kwon, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Seungheon Song, Euihyun Yoon, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Wooseong Cho, Minsung Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Minsung Kim, Junghyeon Seo, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Sungsik Kim, Taejin Park, and Jaekoo Lee, Image Processing and Image Understanding(IPIU), February 2025.
Jaeseok Lee and Jaekoo Lee, International Conference of Pattern Recognition(ICPR), December 2024.
Jungmin Ha, Euihyun Yoon, Sungsik Kim, Jinkyu Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, British Machine Vision Conference(BMVC), November 2024.
Seokha Moon, Hongbeen Park, Jaekoo Lee, and Jinkyu Kim, International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA), May 2024.
Daehee Kim, Sungmin Lee, Junghyeon Seo, Song Noh, and JaeKoo Lee, Sensors, June 2024.
Seongsil Heo, Sungsik Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Applied Sciences, May 2024.
Inkyung Kim, Juwan Lim, and Jaekoo Lee, IEEE Access, February 2024.
Soohyeon Seo, Yunseok Kang, Jaeseok Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE), November 2024.
Minjun Kang, Wooseong Cho, and Jaekoo Lee, The 5th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2024.
Jiwon Kim, Minsung Kim, Taejin Park, and Jaekoo Lee, The 5th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2024.
Jaeseok Lee, Yoonseok Kang, and Jaekoo Lee, The 5th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2024.
Euihyun Yoon, Hyunjong Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Computer Congress(KCC), June 2024.
Hyunjong Lee, Euihyun Yoon, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Computer Congress(KCC), June 2024.
Sungsik Kim, Seungheon Song, Junghyeon Seo, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Computer Congress(KCC), June 2024.
Junghyeon Seo, Sungsik Kim, Seungheon Song, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Computer Congress(KCC), June 2024.
Seungheon Song, Sungsik Kim, Junghyeon Seo, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Computer Congress(KCC), June 2024.
Taejin Park, Wooseong Cho, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Computer Congress(KCC), June 2024.
Wooseong Cho, Minjun Kang, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Computer Congress(KCC), June 2024.
Yoonseok Kang, Jaeseok Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Computer Congress(KCC), June 2024.
Soye Kwon, Jeawoong Choi, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Computer Congress(KCC), June 2024.
Jeawoong Choi, Jaeseok Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Computer Congress(KCC), June 2024.
Euihyun Yoon and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2024.
Hyunjong Lee, Yunseok Kang, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2024.
Soye Kwon and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2024.
Jaewoong Choi and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2024.
Jaeseok Lee and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2024.
Sungsik Kim and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2024.
Junghyeon Seo and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2024.
Seungheon Song and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2024.
Minjun Kang, Taejin Park and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2024.
Wooseong Cho, Minsung Kim and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2024.
Wooseong Cho, Seungheon Song, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), May 2024.
Euihyun Yoon, Hyunjong Lee, Jungmin Ha, Jaekoo Lee, Jinkyu Kim, Dong Geon Kim and Joo Chan Park, KIISE, April 2024.
Myunghak Lee, Wooseong Cho, Sungsik Kim, Jinkyu kim, and Jaekoo Lee, British Machine Vision Conference(BMVC), November 2023.
Jungmin Ha, Jinkyu Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, MICCAI Workshop on Foundation Models for General Medical AI(MedAGI), October 2023.
Jungmin Ha and Jaekoo Lee, The 4th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2023.
Euihyun Yoon and Jaekoo Lee, The 4th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2023.
Hyunjong Lee and Jaekoo Lee, The 4th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2023.
Jaeseok Lee and Jaekoo Lee, The 4th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2023.
Jaewoong Choi and Jaekoo Lee, The 4th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2023.
Seungheon Song and Jaekoo Lee, The 4th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2023.
Sungsik Kim and Jaekoo Lee, The 4th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2023.
Wooseong Cho and Jaekoo Lee, The 4th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2023.
Minjun Kang, Jungmin Eom, and Jaekoo Lee, The 4th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2023.
Juwan Lim and Jaekoo Lee, The 4th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2023.
Seungheon Song and Jaekoo Lee, IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology(ISET), May 2023.
Jaewoong Choi, Jungmin Ha, Hyejin Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023.
Jungmin Ha and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023.
Sungsik Kim, Hyunae Cho, Myunghak Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023
Minjun Kang, Juwan Lim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023.
Jaeseok Lee, Junghyeon Seo, and Jaekoo Lee , Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023.
Euihyun Yoon and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023.
Wooseong Cho and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023.
Hyunjong Lee and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023.
Juwan Lim, Song Noh, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023.
Myunghak Lee and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023.
Jungmin Eom and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2023.
Jaewoong Choi and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), November 2023.
Hyunjong Lee, Jungmin Ha, Euihyun Yoon, and Jaekoo Lee, IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, October 2023.
Juwan Lim and Jaekoo Lee, Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, February 2023.
Hyejin Lee, Daehee Kim, Daeun Lee, Jinkyu Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, European Conference on Computer Vision(ECCV), October 2022.
Inkyung Kim, Daehee Kim, Sunyoung Kwon, Sheayun Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, International Conference of Pattern Recognition(ICPR), August 2022.
Kyungsik Seo, Jaekoo Lee, and Song Noh, Information and Communications Technology(ICT) Express Journal, September 2022.
Jaeseok Lee, Hyejin Lee, Jaekoo Lee, The 3th Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, September 2022.
Hyejin Lee and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2022.
Jungmin Eom, Jungmin Ha, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2022.
Wooseong Cho and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2022.
Euihyun Yoon, Hyejin Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2022.
Hyunjong Lee, InKyung Kim, Sungsik Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2022.
Inkyung Kim, Juwan Lim, Minsik Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2022.
Sungsik Kim, Inkyung Kim, Hyunjong Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2022.
Jungmin Ha and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2022.
Juwan Lim, Minjun Kang, Inkyung Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2022.
Myunghak Lee and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2022.
Inkyung Kim, Suhyun Kim, Seungeun Kang, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2022.
Jungmin Ha, Hyunjong Lee, Jungmin Eom, and Jaekoo Lee, IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, December 2022.
Inkyung Kim, Daehee Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering(KTSDE), February 2022.
Daehee Kim, Youngjun Yoo, Seunghyun Park, Jinkyu Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV), October 2021.
Daehee Kim, Jinkyu Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Information and Communications Technology(ICT) Express Journal, November 2021.
Damin Moon and JaeKoo Lee, MyungKeun Yoon, Information and Communications Technology(ICT) Express Journal, August 2021.
Song Noh, Jaekoo Lee, Heejug Yu, and Jiho Song, IEEE Systems Journal(ISJ), June 2021.
Jaekoo Lee, MyungKeun Yoon, and Song Noh, Sensors, March 2021.
Seongsil Heo, Sunyoung Kwon, and Jaekoo Lee, IEEE Access, February 2021.
Myunghak Lee and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), November 2021.
Jungmin Eom and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), November 2021.
Hyejin Lee and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), November 2021.
Juwan Lim, Inkyung Kim, Myunghak Lee, Jungmin Ha, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), November 2021.
Jungmin Ha, Inkyung Kim, Juwan Lim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), November 2021.
Youngwan Jo, Ikhyeon Jo, Daehee Kim, Inkyung Kim, Suhyun Kim, Seungeun Kang, Jusuk Um, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2021.
Myunghak Lee, Jungmin Eom, Hyejin Lee, Juhee Kang, Jungmin Ha, Seungjin Han, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2021.
Inkyung Kim, Daehee Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Information Processing Society(KIPS), May 2021.
Seongsil Heo and Jaekoo Lee, IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology(ISET), May 2021.
Myunghak Lee, Daehee Kim, Seongsil Heo, and Jaekoo Lee, IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology(ISET), May 2021.
Jungmin Eom, Myunghak Lee, Daehee Kim, Seongsil Heo, and Jaekoo Lee, IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology(ISET), May 2021.
Youngwan Jo, Inkyung Kim, Suhyun Kim, Seungeun Kang, Jusuk Um, and Jaekoo Lee, IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology(ISET), May 2021.
Juhee Kang, Daehee Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology(ISET), May 2021.
Hyejin Lee, Daehee Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, IEMEK Symposium on Embedded Technology(ISET), May 2021.
Youngjun Yoo, Daehee Kim, Inkyung Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2021.
Daehee Kim, Youngjun Yoo, Inkyung Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2021.
Youngjun Yoo, Daehee Kim, Myunghak Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Information Processing Society(KIPS), May 2021.
Daehee Kim, Juhee Kang, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), April 2021.
Inkyung Kim, Daehee Kim, Song Noh, and Jaekoo Lee, KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering(KTSDE), March 2021.
Jaekoo Lee, Ho Bae, and Sungroh Yoon, IEEE Access, March 2020.
Seongsil Heo, Inkyung Kim, Sunyoung Kwon, Hyejin Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), August 2020.
InKyung Kim, SeongSil Heo, SunYoung Kwon, and JaeKoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), August 2020.
Myunghak Lee, Youngjun Yoo, Youngwan Jo, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), August 2020.
Youngjun Yoo, Daehee Kim, Myunghak Lee, Woong Kang, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), August 2020.
Hyejin Lee, Byeongjo Kim, Sujin Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), August 2020.
Daehee Kim, Juhee Kang, Youngjun Yoo, Youngwan Jo, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), August 2020.
Youngwan Jo, Myunghak Lee, Daehee Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), August 2020.
Youngjun Yoo, Daehee Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Information Processing Society(KIPS), May 2020.
Inkyung Kim, Daehee Kim, Seongsil Heo, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Information Processing Society(KIPS), May 2020.
Roje Lee, Eunhwan Park, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2020.
Myunghak Lee, Junha Song, Juhee Kang, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2020.
Seongsil Heo, Daehee Kim, Jaebin Lee, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2020.
Daehee Kim, Yonguk Kim, Youngjun Yoo, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), February 2020.
Seongsil Heo, Daehee Kim, Yonguk Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), June 2019.
Daehee Kim, Youngjun Yoo, Song Noh, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Institute of Communication Sciences(KICS), December 2020.
Youngjun Yoo, Daehee Kim, and Jaekoo Lee, Korea Information Processing Society(KIPS), October 2020.
Future Hall #623 (G-Lab)
Kookmin university
77, Jungrung-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (02707)
서울특별시 성북구 정릉로 77 국민대학교
미래관 623호 G-Lab
우편번호 02707